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Writer's pictureJoe Peterson

Why self-help never works?

As I journeyed through my life, I read many self-help books and attended so many self-help/ motivational seminars. Every time, it felt like a monumental experience; one that would alter the course of my future for the better. But sadly, this feeling was never permanent or lasting - despite how hard I strived to make meaningful changes in myself. Why couldn't I make lasting positive changes? what am I doing wrong? Why is it that so many people struggle to find permanent improvement through self-help? and why do the results not seem to last? Understanding this conundrum can help us make lasting changes in our lives.

Self-help books and seminars can often provide important information about topics such as personal development, relationships, and goal setting. However, these materials typically do not provide the long-term solutions needed for lasting change. This is because self-help books and seminars are often focused on short-term fixes to the problems people are facing in their lives. They may provide helpful advice or tips to get started on a journey of personal growth, but they tend to be lacking in terms of addressing deeper underlying issues that could be impacting a person's life.

Self-help books and seminars also have the problem of being too general. Oftentimes, people go into these seminars expecting personalized advice that will apply directly to their situation but instead receive generic information that is applicable to everyone. While this type of generic advice may be beneficial in some cases, it is often not enough to really help someone make meaningful changes in their life. Furthermore, many self-help experts do not have the expertise or experience needed to provide personalized guidance tailored specifically to an individual's circumstances.

The reason why self-help does not always stick is that it largely operates through a system of external motivators. When we seek self-help, we often look to outside sources to motivate us and push us in the right direction. We rely on outside influence instead of internal motivation, and this can lead to short-term success.

In addition, self-help books and seminars are not always effective because they lack immediate feedback or accountability from a mentor or coach who can help keep you motivated and on track with your goals. These types of services are typically more expensive than just reading a book or attending a seminar, but they offer immense value by providing structure and guidance throughout the process of making meaningful changes in one’s life. Without someone to help hold you accountable for your decisions and actions, it can be difficult for people to stay motivated when things become challenging.

Finally, many self-help books and seminars focus solely on surface-level issues without addressing any underlying mental health issues that could be causing problems in an individual’s life. Mental illness is an incredibly complex issue that requires specialized care from professionals trained in dealing with such issues. Self-help materials may provide helpful coping strategies which can improve well-being temporarily; however, without proper diagnosis and treatment from mental health professionals, it is unlikely that any lasting progress can be made toward one’s mental health goals.

Overall, while self-help books and seminars can certainly be beneficial tools for helping individuals start their journey towards making positive changes in their lives, they cannot solely serve as long-term solutions due to their lack of personalized advice tailored towards individual needs; accountability structures; feedback loops; as well as lack of focus on underlying mental health issues that need professional help for proper treatment.

Since the solutions proposed by self-help are often externally motivated, they do not always provide lasting change. This is where coaching becomes so important; instead of relying on external forces, it focuses on internal growth and development. Coaching works to uncover our individual capabilities and strengths - something that self-help often fails to do. By understanding our innermost gifts and talents, we can create meaningful, permanent change in ourselves.

Instead of relying solely on external motivation to make changes in our lives, we need to look within ourselves for guidance. This is the foundation of coaching; it provides us with the tools and guidance to make lasting changes in our lives, while self-help often struggles to achieve this goal. By understanding our individual potential, we can unlock a whole new world of possibilities - one that starts from within.

The self-help industry may be a billion-dollar industry, but its solutions are often short lived or simply ineffective. If we are to bring about true and lasting transformation, it is essential that we nurture our personal development rather than fixating on external incentives. By understanding our individual capabilities and gifts, we can create permanent positive change in ourselves. Coaching offers us the insight and guidance needed to make these changes happen - something that self-help often fails to do. By taking a more personal and self-reliant approach, we can build the life that we have always dreamed of.

When it comes to self-help, most people are looking for a quick fix. They want to read a book or attend a seminar and suddenly have all of their problems solved. Unfortunately, this is not how life works. There are no permanent solutions when it comes to self-help – at least, not until you get coaching.

If you want to invest in yourself, consider working with a life coach. This decision has the potential to produce far-reaching, positive effects that can last for years. Unlike self-help books and seminars which often disappoint, life coaching is unique because it is customized to your individual needs and challenges. If you are curious about what working with a transformational life coach could do for you, reach out today. I would be happy to answer any questions you have or get started on helping you achieve your goals. Click here to book your free discovery session.



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